Law Student Back to School Bash

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You are invited to our fourth annual Law Student Back-to-School Bash on September 7, 2023. The CBA’s Young Lawyers Section will provide a free networking primer at 4:00 p.m. focused on how you can build a foundation for a successful career. At 5:00 p.m. we’ll walk over to the Plymouth Court Rooftop (next to the CBA) for an opportunity to mingle with other law students and CBA members. Can’t make the networking workshop? Just come for the social.  Free for CBA Law Student Members!

September 7, 2023
4:00 PM  Networking Primer at Chicago Bar Association Building (321 S. Plymouth Ct., Chicago, 60604)
5:00 PM Networking Social at Plymouth Rooftop Bar (327 S. Plymouth Ct., Chicago, 60604) - Right next door to the CBA

Cost: $0 Law Student Member | $20 Nonmember

Not a law student member? Click here to sign up  and receive all the benefits of full membership for only $12/year!
(Please note: there may be a delay in receiving the discounted rate if you sign up as a new member. Please contact if you experience any issues.)