Alliance for Women Annual Awards

Each year, the Chicago Bar Association's Alliance for Women presents the Founder's Award and the Alta May Hulett Award to outstanding women lawyers who have significantly contributed to the advancement of women in the legal profession or other areas, and whose careers exemplify the highest level of professional achievement, ethics, and excellence.

2025 nominations are due by February 28, 2025.

View a list of past recipients here  (PDF).

How to Make a Nomination:

The Founder’s Award was established in 1994 and was first awarded to Laurel G. Bellows, the founder of the Alliance. It is given to women who have demonstrated a sustained, active commitment to the advancement of women throughout their careers. 

The Alta May Hulett Award, named for the first woman lawyer in Illinois, is presented to a woman who meets the criteria for the Founder’s Award but has been qualified to practice law for fifteen years or less. 

Recipients of these awards are lawyers who:
• Utilize vision, leadership, and the support of others to contribute to the advancement and empowerment of women in the legal profession or in the community at large;
• Promote communication, collegiality, and support for positive change among women within the legal profession; and
• Reflect the highest standards of professional ethics and excellence.

Nominees with a connection to the Chicago legal community are preferred. Only women who have been qualified to practice law for fifteen years or less are eligible for the Alta May Hulett Award. Current and former members of the Alliance Executive Committee are not eligible for consideration for either award until such time that they have not been members of the Alliance Executive Committee for three consecutive bar years. 

Nomination Procedure
To nominate a woman for the Founder’s Award or the Alta May Hulett Award, please electronically send a nomination packet including (1) a narrative specifically describing how the nominee fulfills each of the three criteria set forth above; (2) an up-to-date resume, and (3) no more than three letters of recommendation to the Alliance Awards Selection Committee c/o Meghan O'Donnell ( no later than Friday, January 31, 2025.

If you have nominated a candidate in the past two years, you may re-nominate them by submitting a one-page update or by notifying the selection committee that you would like to stand on your prior submission.
The winners will be announced in February and honored at an award ceremony on March 27, 2025 (details to come).