CBA members, including law students (excluding CBA board and officers, CBA staff and CBA Record Editorial Board members).
Flash Fiction (1200 words or less) writing contest for CBA members. Topics do not need to be related to the legal field but must be original works, rated PG, and previously unpublished. Use of ChatGPT or similar AI prohibited. The CBA will retain nonexclusive rights to all materials published by the CBA. Finally, no more than two submissions per person, please. Note, the previous year winner(s) is not eligible to participate as they are asked to serve as a competition judge.
When & Where?
Submit your story and by-line by February 21, 2025 to
Win a fabulous prize and a fun way to flex your creative muscles! The first prize winner will have their work published in The CBA Record and receive a $100 Amazon gift card. Second and third place winners will have their work published on the CBA’s website/The CBA Record online edition!
Submissions will be judged by members of the CBA Record Editorial Board and a “celebrity” judge (TBA), will assist in judging the final round. Writers are asked to adhere to the CBA Writer’s Guidelines found at
www.chicagobar.org/WG. The CBA Record Editorial Board will make the final decision regarding publication of any piece submitted.
Questions? Please send your inquiry to