Advertising and Sponsorship
Place your message in the
CBA Record, The Chicago Bar Association’s flagship magazine, sponsor an event or program, and much more.
Download our Advertising Kit (effective January 2024).
If you would like assistance or more information, contact CBA Advertising Representative Adam Hrejsa, c/o Chicago Daily Law Bulletin Publishing Company, at 312-644-2942.
CBA Record Magazine Advertising Information
Advertising Rates
Page Size
6x |
Full Page (7.25"w x 10"h)
$1,810 |
1/2 Page (7.25"x x 4.625"h) |
$1,155 |
$1,100 |
$1,045 |
1/4 Page (4.75"w x 3.315"h)
$635 |
$600 |
$560 |
Directory - Business Card Size Horizontal |
$200 |
Contact your advertising representative for rates and availability.
Specified Position
Space and color subject to availability.
Contact your advertising representative for rates.
No extra charge. Please include a minimum of .125” bleed in artwork.
Publication Trim Size
8-3/8” x 10-7/8”
Web Offset. Binding: Saddle Stitched.
Include all elements with the job. Please submit PDF files as final art that are created properly by embedding fonts and convert all art to CMYK. Include all source documents (InDesign, etc.), fonts, high resolution graphics (Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, etc.). Make sure to include both the Screen and Printer fonts. We suggest you use Open Type or Type 1 PostScript fonts since the TrueType may cause problems during prepress file processing. Pages should be built to trim size. Include an 1/8” bleed for elements that extend off the page and use 1/4” for type safety inside the page. Do not use the predefined “hairline” rule width. A minimum rule width of .50 points is required. Convert type to “Outlines” in Illustrator, and submit all supporting artwork. Photoshop files should be 300 dpi and either CMYK or Grayscale, not RGB. Files that are scaled in Photoshop more than 130% will not print without pixelation.
Cancellation Policies
The Chicago Bar Association reserves the right to delay, cancel or reschedule any insertion due to overdue payments or nonpayment. The advertiser or advertiser’s agent may cancel an insertion if written notice is received by The Chicago Bar Association 10 days prior to the deadline for ad materials.
Delivery Instructions
All advertising materials should be e-mailed to
Sharon Nolan, Director of Marketing. Materials may also be sent to: CBA Record, c/o The Chicago Bar Association, 321 S. Plymouth Court, Chicago, IL 60604-3997. If space is reserved and materials do not arrive by press time, advertiser will be charged for the space. Publisher is authorized to repeat previous advertisement if new ad is not received by material deadline. Ads sent electronically must still have proofs. Contact your advertising representative for details.
Design Availability
If you need your ad designed and/or produced, contact your advertising representative for costs.
There is a 15% discount to recognized agencies.
Publication Schedule
The CBA Record is published in January/February, March/April, May/June, July/August, September/October (Pro Bono Issue), and November/December. Materials are due the 3rd Friday of month preceding the publication date.
Rejection Policy
The Chicago Bar Association reserves the right to reject any advertisement that CBA representatives deem is not suitable for CBA publications.
Payment Policy
The Chicago Bar Association reserves the right to demand payment for any advertisement prior to publication.
Classified Advertisements
The rates for classified ads are $2.50 per word for CBA members, and $3.50 per word for nonmembers. Checks payable to The Chicago Bar Association must accompany all ads. Mail to: Classified Ads, c/o Sharon Nolan, CBA Record, 321 South Plymouth Court, Chicago, IL 60604-3997. Email your classified ad copy to
Sharon Nolan, Director of Marketing.