YLS Awards

The YLS acknowledges the accomplishments of community and Sections leaders with the following awards. 

The Liberty Bell Award
The award is given each year during Law Week to a non-lawyer who has contributed to the administration of justice. To qualify, the nominee must: be a non-lawyer, have a sense of responsibility for community welfare and public duty, under the law, help others to understand and assert their rights under the law, promote and encourage respect for and obedience to the law, and assist the smooth functioning of our system of justice.

The CBA's 2024 Liberty Bell Award was given to Carolyn Faller, paralegal with Legal Aid Chicago.

David C. Hilliard Award

The Hilliard Award recognizes outstanding committee service and is presented to the chair(s) of a YLS Committee for exceptional performance in that role throughout the bar year. The award is presented at the YLS Annual Meeting.

Milton H. Gray Award
The Gray Award honors outstanding project leadership and is presented during the YLS Annual Meeting and is presented to the leader(s) of a YLS project for exceptional performance in that role throughout the bar year. The award is presented at the YLS Annual Meeting.

Rising Star Award
The Rising Star Award is awarded to a new YLS Executive Council member who has shown exceptional promise as an emerging leader within the YLS.
Terrence M. Murphy Impact Award
The Terrence M. Murphy Impact Award is given to a leader or leaders who have made a substantial impact on the Section.