Lawyers' Assistance Program

The Lawyers’ Assistance Program (LAP) is a non-profit organization whose mission is:
-to assist lawyers, judges, and law students with substance abuse, addiction and mental health issues;
-protect clients from impaired judges and lawyers;
-and to educate the Illinois Legal Community about addiction and mental health issues.
LAP is 100% confidential for both the client and the referrer, and is offered at no cost to participants.
In addition to substance abuse services, LAP can assist with a broad range of mental health problems such as stress, anxiety, depression, grief, aging, and many others.
Still headquartered in Chicago, LAP has expanded to include three satellite offices located in Park Ridge, Belleville, and Bloomington. LAP offers short term counseling, peer support, support groups, assessments, case management, interventions, referrals, and both in person and online continuing legal education.
If you are concerned that an attorney, judge, or law student has an issue that might be interfering with their personal or professional lives, there is confidential help. By making that call you can help a colleague on the path to wellness.
Contact us at:
20 South Clark Street, Suite 450, Chicago, Illinois 60603
Phone: 312.726.6607 office
800.LAP.1233 toll free