Nominating Notice to Members of The Chicago Bar Association

Pursuant to Section 8.3(a)(3) of Article VIII of the Bylaws of the Association, the Nominating Committee has selected the following nominees for each office in the Association and for each place to be filled on the Board of Managers at the Annual Meeting.

Second Vice President Ray J. Koenig III
Secretary Kathryn Carso Liss
Treasurer John C. Sciaccotta

For Members of the Board of Managers Terms of Two Years

Michael Alkaraki
Octavio Duran
Robert W. Fioretti
Malcolm “Skip” Harsch
Risa Lanier
Patricia McCarthy
Hon. James M. McGing
Sandra Yamate

Under the Bylaws of the Association, the Second Vice President of the Association automatically succeeds to the Office of First Vice President.  This year, Timothy Tomasik, having served during the past year as Second Vice President, automatically succeeds to the office of First Vice President.  In addition, the First Vice President of the Association automatically succeeds to the Office of President.  This year, E. Lynn Grayson, having served during the past year as First Vice President, automatically becomes the President.

Ray J. Koenig III

March 30, 2021

Article VIII, Section 8.3(b) Nominations by Members:
Candidates for Elected Member or for any office with respect to which the Nominating Committee has nominated candidates may be nominated by means of a written petition which is signed by 350 members entitled to vote in accordance with Section 1.3 of these Bylaws and which is filed with the Secretary no less than 50 days prior to the date set for the Annual Meeting.  Promptly upon the filing of such a petition, the Secretary shall post for no less than five days a notice of the nomination in a conspicuous place at the offices of the Association.