Associate/Non-Lawyer Membership

Make yourself more valuable to your legal employer. Enhance your skills and contacts for the future. Meet movers and shakers in the legal industry.

Associate membership is open to paralegals, law firm administrators, and other non-lawyer professionals whose business or employer provides a product or service that is directly related to the legal profession. Associate membership is only $80 per bar year (bar year runs June 1-May 31 of the following year).

Associate members can:
  • Keep up with trends affecting the legal profession.
  • Further your knowledge about practice and procedure in over 50 legal specialty areas.
  • Attend technology training programs at the member price (just $25).
  • Register for How To... training sessions for free or access via on demand video library.
  • Network with lawyers and other legal professionals.
  • Save on individual seminar costs (non-members pay double) or apply for our unlimited seminar plan for only $160 per year.
  • Attend free noon-hour committee meetings and learn from legal experts (attend either in-person or via live Webcast at
  • Enjoy CBA social and sports outings with family and friends.
  • Connect with other legal professionals via CBA Facebook, Twitter, Instragram and LinkedIn sites.

Become an Associate Member now!

Special notes:
- Associate members must be employed in a business that directly relates to the work of the legal profession and the organized bar and must provide business contact information.  
- Associate members are required to complete a non-lawyer membership application.  All applications are subject to review and approval by the Membership Department.
- Associate membership is not available to licensed attorneys and/or to former attorneys who are not authorized to practice law in Illinois due to disciplinary action.
- Associate members may not vote or hold a CBA office. 
- Associate members are not eligible for hardship dues.
- Direct solicitation of CBA members is prohibited.
- The CBA’s Management reserves the right to revoke, without cause, non-lawyer associate membership.

Download an Associate Membership Form

Have questions about associate membership?
Call 312-554-2131 or email